Showing posts with label easy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label easy. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Navigating the Wild World of Online Dating

Be careful, friends! As fun as dating apps or online dating can be, and as rewarding as it can be to find new opportunities to meet “the one,” there are some important things you need to know for dating app success. Sharpen your matchmaking skills with some of these easy tips!

Tip 1: Looks do matter, but not the way you think! I’m not saying you need to be a perfect 10, but you should try to bring out your best features. Take a flattering, natural photo for your profile. Dress neatly, with clothes that are flattering and in good condition. (If you’re strapped for cash or unsure about ideas, decide on an easy casual date uniform — such as a good pair of jeans and a neutral colored top — keep it clean and you can’t go wrong!  Make sure your body is clean and wearing deodorant. Also, don’t forget to brush your teeth and pop a breath mint before the crucial moment.

Tip 2: Compliment your date! You’ve taken the trouble to make a good impression. Be sure to tell your date that they look nice, too. If you’re just talking online, you can also compliment their jokes or cool subjects that they discuss.

Tip 3: Positive vibes only. Be sure to talk about light subjects at first. Share good news, be attentive and supportive of the other person’s news as well. Be cheerful. Make lemonade out of the lemons. Make sure your friend is comfortable by not being racist, inappropriate, or unkind. Unless, of course, that’s who you really are (in which case I’d recommend getting a bit of help with that).

These are the basics, but they’ll help you get the ball rolling. Do you have any tips for our readers? Feel free to share! 

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Coping With Pain via NLP, the Alternative Therapy's Alternative.

Pain can be defined quite simply as a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder, an affliction or an emotional distress. Mild pain can be treated in many ways ... over the counter drugs and balms. But what if the pain is chronic and unbearable? Well we get prescription drugs. Most of the drugs work well, but for some people with severe or chronic pain, NLP and hypnosis works wonders.

What is NLP? It is neuro-linguistic programming. NLP uses a set of models and principles to describe the relationship between mind and language. Though initially dubious about the treatment of pain with hypnosis, the medical community are now of the opinion that hypnosis does indeed help in controlling pain.

Acute pain lasts for a short while chronic pain lasts for a long time, usually more than a month. Even mild low - level pain can be debilitating. Pain comes in many forms, jabbing, throbbing stabbing, nagging etc. Pain is also influenced by various factors like memory, emotions and physical condition of each individual. Another perplexing complication is that sometimes pain has no organic cause at all.

Pain has sometimes been described as past remembered pain, present pain experience and also anticipated pain in the future. The combination of these three often gives us the meaning of pain and this is one of the reasons why chronic pain is almost always so debilitating. What increases the pain is the expectation that the pain will be there the next day, and the day after and the day after and so on.

A few of the techniques that help us deal with pain are given below

Trance and Relaxation are the easiest things that one can do relax. The way to relax is simple. All you have to do is tell yourself in a deep and gentle tone take a deep breathe and relax. With each breath you must relax further. Tell yourself that as you count down from 5 to1 you will relax still further till you are in a trance.

Synesthesia is a technique that is best done in a light trance. In this technique you explore the pain as a sensation. What exactly is the pain? Where is it, is it a slow or a fast moving pain? Does it have any color and texture? How does it move? This might seem difficult but don't worry. The important thing is to try and put some meaning to your pain, give it shape so that it makes some sense to your unconscious mind. What you have to do next is to think that the pain is outside your body where it is easier to observe. Try and examine it a little away from you say at a distance of about two meters. Now what you can do is to change the quality of pain. Make it smaller or bigger or change the color and the sound. Change the way it moves. Now observe what happens when you cause changes in the pain. When you are finally satisfied with the changes that you have made in your pain you can send the whole pain to a far away place or you can even put it back into your own body but in a different location where the pain can be more manageable. Or even better, you can just turn your pain up side down and put it back in the same place so that it cancels out the original pain.
Increasing Your Energy
Pain can be very debilitating and saps us of our energy. But we can overcome this by practicing some very simple visualization exercises. Bring yourself to a point of total relaxation and focus on breathing. Imagine golden ball of light all around your body,
which you can hear, as well as feel vibrating. Then imagine that when you breathe in you are taking in energy. The golden light now becomes brighter and brighter, the harmonies get louder and the vibrations become stronger and stronger. As you breathe out imagine that all the tension and pain are expelled from your body. Now the vibrations and harmonies become a tool to help you relax further and you can feel the sensations massaging your body. With the help of the techniques mentioned above you can help yourself in taking control of your pain. But remember that they are not hypnosis or NLP techniques.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Relaxed Fashion Trends for the 2020s: Get Gorgeous with Loose & Comfy!

Say goodbye to the tired old trends of the 2010s, and get ready to embrace the new decade with a fresh, fun, and "comfy" new spring in your step.

After years of pouring ourselves into the overly clingy bodycon styles of the past decade, it's a joy to announce that the fashion world is moving forward -- by going back to basics. Pieces with fluid movement and inviting wearability are coming back in a big way! Who wouldn't want to incorporate such an easy, elegant trend into their fashion repertoire?

Fabulous relaxed dusty pink sweeping tunic with cap sleeves, polka dot trim, and the most darling little pocket. Designed by Loose N’ Comfy, this piece is gorgeous and oh so comfortable.

These days it's all about stylish pieces that flow and flatter. The warm, inviting designs of Loose N' Comfy aren't just easy to wear, they're very on-trend. (Our pick: this sweeping rose-pink tunic with cap sleeves, fun polka dot trim, and beautifully feminine ruffled pocket.) The designer is a creative spirit and truly talented artisan. Her designs are unique -- each handmade piece is envisioned to embody comfort as well as style, and made in-house at the L&C studio with tender loving care.

And if you do decide not to ditch your body con style leggings or favorite skinny jeans, we wouldn't blame you... Loose N' Comfy pieces instantly elevate all of the pieces in any ensemble to a higher level. Enjoy this iconic style that makes all body types look and feel fabulous!  Check out their website today!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Happiness in Communing with Nature

Our fast-paced world can really burn us out quickly.  With technology enabling us to communicate faster and easier than ever before, "alone time" is quickly becoming a concept of the past.  It can be wonderful to feel connected, but it can also be daunting and draining as well.  How can we get back to basics and quiet the multitudes of voices that surround us?

The answer may be simpler than you think.  Try communing with nature!

Immersing yourself in nature doesn't need to be an elaborately planned scenario.  Try taking a walk.  Even in an urban area, you're going to have opportunities to see animals and plants -- even if it's just squirrels in your local park, or the shade of a tree planted by the sidewalk of a busy road.  Find a place to sit and breathe the air.  Observe the weather -- is it sunny out?  What time of day is it?  Perhaps you can enjoy the clouds during the daytime, or try to see stars at night.

If that's too difficult, or your access to nature is limited, try simply gazing out your window at the sky.  Alternatively, you can bring natural elements inside by planting flowers, herbs, or other small plants indoors. 

Whatever way you decide to commune with nature, know that it will rejuvenate your mind and spirit when you're able to let go and focus on the world around you.  Our planet is filled with beautiful things, so take the time to enjoy!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Read for Your Happiness!

There's a whole world in each and every book!  To me, reading is like meditation.  It can quiet the mind, activate the imagination, reduce stress, and force your focus elsewhere.  Reading is such a wonderful way to fill your head and relax your body all at the same time.

You needn't choose to read anything lofty, or super cerebral -- it's nice if you like that, and by all means choose it if you want to -- but even something easy and light can provide the benefits of reading.  Grab your tablet, your dusty copy of War and Peace, or even the fun, short fashion magazine that brings a smile on your face and inspiration to your heart.

No matter what you choose to read, reading leads to learning -- which reads a richer and fuller life!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Spotlight on Kiko of Beverly Hills

It has been said that true beauty comes from within.  If that's really the case, I've always wondered why people seem to be so preoccupied with the way that they look?  

The real truth is this:  when we feel comfortable and happy in our own skin, our inner beauty will shimmer outward to the surface.  We have the power to change the world's perception of us, simply by changing our own perceptions of ourselves.

What's one of the first things people advise their friends to do after a breakup, the loss of a job, or some other personal tragedy?  "Change your hairstyle.  It'll do you some good." 

While this may seem like a small thing… the truth is that civilizations throughout world history have placed importance on not just what's on the top of our heads, but how we wear it.  Even today, having the right hair makes all the difference in our own levels of confidence.  A "bad hair day" can elicit the deepest of sympathies, even from strangers.  A "good hair day" can make us feel as if we've got the world at our fingertips!  It's true -- confidence equals beauty.  

My friend, Kiko of Beverly Hills California, is a shining example of this concept.  He has been part of the salon industry for over 25 years.  A lot has changed in that time: styles have changed, trends have come and gone.  Yet, there is always one thing that these elements always have in common:  they inspire confidence and happiness in those who wear them.  And Kiko loves to use his considerable talents to impart that confidence in all who seek him.

Kiko has dedicated his life to helping others of all ages, genders, and lifestyles to look and feel more lovely.  After decades of hard work and research, he has developed an amazing line of products to share with the world!  His texturizing hair wax is sure to not only make your "crowning glory" look and feel fabulous, but it also contains healthy ingredients which can actually improve the state of your hair.  His texturizing hair wax contains a virtual medicine cabinet of vitamins (A, B, and E) to provide nourishment to the hair, as well as Indian gooseberry, a long-known holistic treatment for strengthening and preventing daily damage to hair.  Proteins and amino acids in Kiko's "Leeya" formula keep your hair strong, shiny, and ready for anything -- whether you're walking a fashion runway, or just want to look fabulous while running your daily errands.

I truly admire Kiko, both for his passion for creating workable, livable art that his clients can enjoy in themselves every day -- as well as for his visions of a more beautiful future.

To learn more about Kiko and his Leeya line of hair beautifying products, visit his website or You can also enjoy more of Kiko's creations at his amazing YouTube channel -- and his inspiring Instagram profile, as well!

Friday, March 7, 2014

"When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile."

Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom.  There's something for everyone!  I'll be reflecting on this week's lesson:  "When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile."

Regina has sure said a mouthful here!  You should always try to take the best possible care of yourself.  As we all know, chocolate isn't exactly health food for the body, but it sure can make the mind and soul happy!  They say that dark chocolate can actually be good for the heart; don't take my word for it, though, feel free to Google away!  I think that her point is that sometimes, a little indulgence in a guilty pleasure is what makes life worth living.  Go ahead, enjoy your life a bit!

Visit Regina's website here.

Friday, January 10, 2014

"When in doubt, just take the next small step."

Writer Regina Brett's life lessons are great little nuggets of wisdom.  There's something for everyone!  This week, I am reflecting on the following lesson:  "When in doubt, just take the next small step."

These days, life seems to be more complicated than it has ever been.  Or, is it?  We all remember simpler times when choices were a lot easier, and our paths might have seemed a lot more clear-cut.  When you simplify everything and focus on the path ahead of you -- the small step in front of you -- things will seem more manageable.  When you're overwhelmed, try breaking things down and just go for that small step.  Those little victories can add up to a big success!

Visit Regina's website here.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Having an Awesome Life, Lesson #12: Share Your Awesomeness

This is the final lesson in my "Having an Awesome Life" series.  If you've taken the time to follow my advice all year, you've likely found lots of improvement in your life.  Congratulations on making the effort to think more positively, to connect with others, to pursue your dreams, and to enjoy as much as you can about the way things are... as well as opening your mind to how life can improve.

Now that you've begun on your path to ultimate awesomeness, the final step is to take other people in your life along for the ride!  If you've begun to notice that other folks in your life seem aimless, sad, anxious, or bored... share your knowledge with them.  Be supportive of others' quests to improve their situations, and be the great friend or confidante who can assist as their voice of reason, their sounding board, and the wind beneath their wings!  Celebrate your differences, similarities, and everything in between.

This is the season of love.  Sharing your knowledge, giving of yourself, and taking the time to really connect with your loved ones is the crux of this joyous time of year.  Regardless of your religious affiliation, you can enjoy spending time with those around you and celebrating the simple concept of togetherness.

By spreading this message of awesomeness, you are showering love on those who surround you.  Real love is about giving, sharing, helping and supporting.  Spread your happiness and contentment around and share the lessons that you have learned with the world!  Become the guru of your own social circle; promote love, awesomeness, and mental well-being wherever and whenever you can.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Having an Awesome Life, Lesson #11: Do What You Love

This lesson sounds way too simple to be true -- but it is!  If you're anything like the rest of the world, you have little things that you secretly love.  Those guilty little pleasures that you'd rather die than admit to, but secretly, you're loving every nasty little second of it.

I'm talking about things like the secret way that you sing in the shower, or dance in the bathroom when no one's around.  Or the illicit thrill you get when flipping through the TV channels, and you come across a tacky talk-show or a really bizarre movie that you're way to "cool" to admit to loving.

Why not embrace those little quirks that you try so hard to deny?  There is nothing wrong with doing what you love, and being proud of it.  Even if you consider those loves to be too trivial, too silly, or too out of character -- so what?  You need to make time in your life for a bit of levity and fun.  Not every second of your life has to be dedicated solely to accomplishing goals and achieving successes.  You need to make time to appreciate the simple, fun, and enjoyable things as well. 

Pursue happiness wherever it pleases you.  Remember how things where when you were a child, chasing fun and frivolity when the mood strikes.  Balancing work and play can make your life much happier, much more productive, and much more awesome!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Using Reflexology to Help Baby's Earache

Reflexology is a fabulous method in the arsenal of wellness.  Coupling new-age (and age-old) methods with scientific medicine can really bring about some wonderful benefits for the soul as well as the body.   Reflexology is non-invasive, comforting, and can work well with conventional medicine to ease physical ailments.

When your baby is ill, the most important thing on your mind is to help ease the little one's suffering.  One of the most common physical ailments of childhood is an earache -- even for adults, the pain and discomfort of an earache can be just unbearable.  

Shanti Burgess, an herbalist and reflexologist, of Happyzine, a New Zealand website which offers information for health and happiness, endorses reflexology as a way to help soothe the stress of earache.   To ease the discomfort of an earache, Burgess suggests working on the toes, particularly the last two toes on each foot.  She also recommends working on the "the spleen, thymus, upper body lymphatic points, throat, jaw, cervical neck, diaphragm, and adrenals" to help ease baby's discomfort.  Check my reflexology chart here for more information on those particular parts of the foot.

And, feel free to look at Happyzine's article, How to Soothe Your Three-Year-Old's Ear Ache By Pressing Points on Their Feethere, to learn more about using reflexology for an ear ache.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Soothing Your Baby's Tummy with Reflexology

As many of you know, I'm a big fan of reflexology.  It's a favorite form of healing for me, because it is non-invasive, easy to do, and feels great.  The soothing touch and human contact is wonderful for erasing physical and emotional stress.

When you have a sick child, few things matter more to you than helping that little one to feel better.  A young child may be able to talk and tell you what hurts, but when it's a baby, there is often a lot of guesswork involved.  One common cause for complaint in a cranky baby is a digestive problem, or simply put, a tummy ache.

Shanti Burgess, an herbalist and reflexologist, of Happyzine, a New Zealand website dedicated to health and happiness, suggests trying reflexology to soothe your baby's tummy.  Because babies are so small, their foot pressure points may be difficult to handle with any degree of accuracy.  Instead, focus some light pressure on the ball of your baby's foot.  The digestive system responds to the areas just under the ball, so a light massage should help to alleviate some of your baby's discomfort.  If you're confused about where to start, a gentle foot massage on the entire foot can't steer you wrong.

Check out Happyzine's article, How to Soothe Your Baby's Tummy with Reflexology, here, for more information.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sex Goddess Lesson #3: Glamour Basics

Feeling happy and free can help you to feel beautiful, too!
Once you've learned to focus on what makes you sexy, dress to play up those physical or mental qualities.  Now, this doesn't mean that you should be glopping on the makeup, squeezing into push-up bras, pinchy shoes, and miles-too-tight clothing and then parading around in public like a piece of meat on display. If these are things that make you feel like a sex goddess, then knock yourself out.

But this really should be just about what you feel is sexy, not what other people do. Do certain fabrics just make you feel lovely and special -- silk, satin, velvet, lace?  Even a conservative clothing item that features sensual fabrics can make you feel different.  Perhaps you feel best in something that's comfy and cozy, or something chic and slinky and fabulous.

Maybe the clothes don't matter as much as the attitude -- try some deep red lipstick or sassy shoes to channel your inner vamp.  Even a spirtz of your favorite scent can make you feel especially alluring and intriguing.  It doesn't really matter what you choose, as long as it evokes that wonderful Goddess-like feeling.

Envision yourself as a Goddess in your private chambers, pampering yourself with your own special beauty rituals.  Whenever you're having an especially sad day, or you're just not feeling awesome, do this beauty ritual to cheer yourself up and get in touch with your inner sensuality.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Valentine's Day Spa Indulgence Ideas for Your Love!

While Valentine's Day can be fun and sensual for you and your romantic interest, you can enjoy these recipes with anyone -- have a good time with friends during your own personal at-home "spa party," or just relax and enjoy these recipes by yourself.  Here are a few ideas to pamper that "special someone" at home with a few easy spa-inspired preparations! :)

1. Make a rosewater toner using fresh rose petals! Pour a cup of boiling water over a cup of rose petals. Cover and steep the mixture until it's cool enough to handle. Strain the petals from the liquid, giving them a good squeeze to release all the yummy rose essence. Keep this in a sterilized spray bottle in the fridge for a cool pick-me-up anytime.

2. Bath salts are so easy to make! Get your favorite coffee mug, fill it halfway with any salt you happen to have around (epsom salt is great, but so is sea salt or even your standard iodized table salt!), a few pinches of baking soda, and a couple drops of your favorite essential oil. Pour this into your bath water for a purifying and enjoyable soak in the tub.

3. Take your favorite lotion and immerse the container in a sink filled with hot water for a soothing, warm massage.

4. Sugar scrub is another little treat that's sure to delight the skin when it's in need of a little exfoliation. Mix two parts sugar (white or brown) to one part olive oil. Add a few pinches of cinnamon and/or ginger from your spice rack, and voila, a luscious treatment for sexy, glowing skin!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Improve Your Mood with Yummy Food!

Many people decide to make New Year's resolutions involving eating healthier, losing weight, exercising, and just generally doing things to have a more healthy lifestyle.

Instead of beating yourself up and denying yourself things, how about trying to incorporate positive and healthful things into your life instead?  One of the easiest and best ways that we can nurture our bodies and souls is with what we put inside ourselves.  It's true that food is considered an enemy to some misinformed folks seeking to lose weight, but food can be friend as well.  It nourishes you.  It helps you repair your body.  It's fuel and medicine.

With depression running rampant in many nations, it is important to step back and figure out just what we can do to address our own feelings and emotions.  If you're suffering from a depressed state, I recommend you check with your doctor for ways to alleviate this.  In the meantime, it's also good to consider your diet.  Are you getting the nutrition that you need?

My mother-in-law recently discussed how wonderful it felt to get a B-vitamin shot.  And no wonder -- the B complex is full of substances that can help to improve our well-being.  B1 (Thyamine) helps our nervous system, and B3 (Niacin) can lift the mood.  Other B vitamins can help with the joints, lessen fatigue, stabilize the mood, and help the body recover from stress.  Foods that are rich in B vitamins are dairy (such as cheese or yogurt), green leafy veggies (like kale or spinach), beans, nuts, eggs, and even liver.

Vitamin D is another often overlooked vitamin that can help to improve mood, memory, and bodily functions.  It enables us to absorb much-needed calcium; without vitamin D, we may not be getting adequate calcium regardless of how rich in calcium our diets may be.  It is often added to foods such as milk or orange juice, as well as fortified breakfast cereals.  Cod liver oil is a great source of this vitamin, but if you cannot stomach it, try incorporating other things into your diet such as fish, soy-based foods, mushrooms, and eggs.
If you're looking for a quick-and-dirty boost in endorphins, treat yourself to some vitamin C.  It helps the body to create endorphins, which are substances that create a feeling of happiness and well-being.  Oranges, strawberries, broccoli, and dark leafy greens are the perfect choices to pack your plate with vitamin C.  Of course, chocolate also produces those delicious endorphin-creating substances that we crave!  But be sure to eat it in moderation. ;)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Vibrational Crystal Healing to Channel Your Inner Doctor

Crystals are prevalent in all places in ordinary, everyday life.  Computers, radios, televisions, cell phones all have crystals in them.  Technology can certainly benefit from their power, but crystals can also benefit people in other ways.  One new age technique that explores this concept is that of crystal vibrational healing.

Vibrational healing is done through harnessing the frequency of energy that radiates through the crystal and to a person's physical body.  This energy can cleanse the body of negativity -- sadness, fear, bad energy, and possibly even ill health -- and replace this unwanted energy with more positive vibrations.

I've heard some people claim that the physical body is never really ill, but rather it is our perception that illness exists.  I don't agree with this statement at all.  If this were true, then there wouldn't be any sick people in the world; instead, illness could be abolished by simply wishing it away.  Choosing not to believe you're sick is very risky and could be dangerous.  Instead, I believe that it's best to take sensible measures in addressing your health concerns.  See your doctor, eat well, exercise and do the best you can to maintain your body.  At the same time that you're using medical science to aid in your journey to wellness, you can also try vibrational healing to keep your mind positive and your spirit determined to fight.  This way, you will get the best of both worlds.

While you may not be able to control everything that happens in your body, you can work on your mental and spiritual outlook.  Studies have shown that meditation has had a wonderful effect on the well-being of illness sufferers.  Trying new age methods until you find one you're comfortable with, can't hurt you, and can possibly help.

The first step with crystal healing is to focus on what you want to change.  To transform your feelings or physical state, try feeling those negative states with the opposite aspect.  For example, feed fear with courage.  Feed anger with tranquility.  Feed pain with relief.  Feed illness with health.  You can use crystals as tools to aid you in these transformations.

Find your favorite crystal, or one that feels right for the job, and place it against your heart, your third eye, or any chakra where you feel the need for relief.  Center on that negative feeling or state.  Feel it strongly.  If it helps, remember a time when you felt it the most -- it can be your fear, your illness, your pain.  Now, after you've zeroed in on that feeling, imagine it being attracted into the crystal like a magnet.  Meditate on that negativity being drained completely from your body, and being trapped inside the crystal.  Envision your body being cleansed completely of that feeling as it empties into the crystal.  Now, envision a glow around the crystal as it transforms and heals the energy.  Imagine the cleansed, positive, wonderful energy filling you completely and fortifying you with positivity and well-being.

You can use this technique whenever you feel the need for some extra cleansing or peace in your life.  It is a wonderfully quick and easy form of meditation for both the seasoned meditator, and the novice, alike.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Prayer With The Great Invocation

Earlier this year, I requested prayer and positive energy for the ability to find a new place to live. Surprisingly,  one of the caring folks who replied to my request was author and esoteric scholar Starling David Hunter, who sent me this beautiful prayer that I'd like to share with all of you. "I use it daily," he noted. The imagery is very illuminating and uplifting. Try it!

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Master knows and serves.

From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.


For more information about this invocation, including history and other verses, feel free to check the World Service Group website.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Quick Guide to Using Gems

Since the beginning of recorded civilizations, people have been using crystals to heal and destress.  We can still get the benefits of crystal therapy today -- this is, of course, best when done in conjunction with modern medicine.

Stones of specific colors are used to help specific ailments.  For example stones which are red, orange, and yellow, are thought to produce energy vibrations.  Crystals in cooler colors, such as blues and greens, are reputed to give the user a more relaxing and peaceful effect.  Clear stones and neutral colors are frequently used for healing as well.  You can combine your favorite crystals to make a customized healing regimen just for you!

Here are a few of the most common crystals, along with their reputed abilities.  Choose which ones are right for you and give yourself a tailor-made crystal therapy treatment.

Amethysts:  Good for enhancing patience and alleviating anger or stress.

Aquamarine:  Supposed to be good for the heart, helpful with communication and beneficial for the immune system as well.

Carnelian:  This lovely red stone is just right for cleansing your system of toxins; it works well on your kidneys and circulatory system.  Carnelian is also good for emotional and physical passions, great for enhancing confidence and determination.

Citrine:  Try this one for digestive issues like heartburn or allergies to something you ate.  It's another good detox stone as well, for the intestines or bladder, as well as the liver and kidneys.  This stone is also prized for clear thinking, enhancing one's positivity and willpower.

Coral:  Helps with bone disorders, particularly that of the spine.  It can also help speed up muscle and tissue repair.  Coral is also great for an enhancement of already positive emotions.

Diamond:  Long prized for its beauty and durability, diamonds are said to help reproductive issues.  A diamond can also make you seem more trustworthy to those who are suspicious of others.  They can enhance clarity of thought and also help you strengthen positivity (yours and others').

Emerald:  Wonderful for the lungs and other respiratory functions.  Also a good choice to help you relax and rest, as well as to lessen female complaints.

Jade:  For general longevity, as well as a spiritual and emotional stabilizer.  Jade can also help with the memory and knowledge retention.  It is also reputed to be an abundance stone.

Lapis:  Another great de-stressor that also promotes learning and creative tendencies while reducing fear and anxiety.  This is especially good for people with social anxiety, insomnia, or those who are seeking to expand their intuitive abilities.

Malachite:  This one tames a multitude of beasts; it's a wonderful choice to block or neutralize anger, negativity, or sadness.  It can also put out the fires of inflammatory pain.

Ruby:  Where there are blood disorders, seek a ruby to alleviate them -- enhances the circulatory system, helps blood clots or women's monthly cycles.

Sapphires:  Another great calming and "dreamy" stone to help you become more intuitive.  They can also help inflammation and fevers.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Speak Up & Save the Internet!

Millions of Americans oppose SOPA and PIPA because these bills would censor the Internet and slow economic growth in the U.S.

Two bills before Congress, known as the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House, would censor the Web and impose harmful regulations on American business. Millions of Internet users and entrepreneurs already oppose SOPA and PIPA.

The Senate will begin voting on January 24th. Please let them know how you feel. Sign this petition urging Congress to vote NO on PIPA and SOPA before it is too late.

Sign the petition here.  And be sure to use the widget below to call your representatives to urge them NOT to censor the internet!

To help even more, please share this blog entry (or the links) with anyone and everyone that you can -- repost in your blog!  Forward to your friends and family via email!  Share via Twitter and Facebook.  Do it now, before the internet is changed (for the worse) forever!

Thank you!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Reflexology Basics

UPDATE:  I've made a reflexology chart!  Click here to see it!

Reflexology is an ancient healing art that originates thousands of years before Christianity. It is said to have a wonderful and powerful impact on the health of those who receive its practice, both in body and in mind. However, it is not a mainstream healing technique, and not much information about reflexology is commonly known. Because I consider it to be a safe and relaxing practice, I'd love to share some of the information about reflexology in the hopes that my readers will give it a try sometime.

This healing practice has been around since the very beginnings of recorded human history. Ancient health and spiritual practicioners in Egypt and China developed this healing technique. Their theories revolve around the concept that every person has an energy flowing through them, as well as around them, and often illnesses can be caused or exacerbated by disruptions in the flow. The human feet contain energy points which connect to various organs or parts of the body. By providing pressure or stimulation to various energy points in the foot, one can change the energy. A reflexology practicioner can remove blocks, stimulate to encourage energy flow, or balance the the energy back to its rightful state. By doing this, once can promote and restore physical and mental health. 

Reflexology's benefits must often be experienced in order to be believed. There are many advantages and positive effects that are enjoyed by those who receive this soothing technique.

Reflexology techniques can have a wonderful effect on the physical being; it can remove tension in the muscles of the feet. All massage is beneficial for assisting in the removal of toxins from the body, enabling the body to help heal itself more efficiently. Quite a few conditions are thought to be alleviated on some level by reflexology, such as circulatory issues, headaches, certain digestive ailments, high blood pressure, neck or back pain, and even female health issues such as PMS or infertility. Massage is generally good for these types of conditions because the manipulation of the muscles and tissue which is done during the massage is quite effective as a stress reliever; when physical stress is reduced, the instances of the conditions above is often reduced or even eliminated entirely in some cases. If the power of the reflex points actually does connect to various bodily organs, then the potentials of reflexology's benefits are well worth the exploration.

Not only can reflexology help physical issues, but it can also relieve the recipient of emotional stress as well. It is a soothing technique that can put someone into a wonderful state of relaxation. Physical and emotional tensions are alleviated, allowing the body to feel rejuvenated. A stressful condition, such as anxiety or depression, can be alleviated with some simple relaxing touches. This relaxation can enable the recipient to have a more peaceful and relaxed outlook, possibly even improving insomnia and promoting a more restful sleep, which will in turn have even more health-boosting power.

In general, reflexology is a relatively safe practice -- however, I must advise you to check with your physician before starting a reflexology program as this type of massage may not be advisable for people with certain health conditions. There are many ailments which conventional medicine is, as yet, unable to treat effectively, so reflexology may be a great alternative health practice for you to try in such instances. After getting advice from your doctor, look online to find the right reflexologist that will meet your needs and help to enhance your physical and emotional health. Enjoy!

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